As I'm sure the bulk of my readers know, yesterday was my birthday! I turned 24, but like every year, I still feel the same as I have always felt. 24 isn't a monumental age, but it was an important birthday for me.
Last year, I considered my 23rd birthday to be my first adult birthday. I had just graduated college, so I was an official adult, right? Yep. Except I had also just moved back in with my parents the day before. I was happy to be back in St. Louis, but I was bummed about life. I kept thinking about my lack of job prospects, living in my parents basement without any personal space, and missing my friends. I couldn't enjoy myself.
I spent the majority of my 23rd birthday alone. Jim and I spent time together the night before, but I got back to my parent's house right after everyone had left for my brother's graduation, around 10:30 in the morning. Around 9 PM, everyone walked back in the door to find me sleeping on the couch. Classic Sunday Kelsey. Then I made myself dinner, and I went to bed.
I decided this year that if that's my worst birthday, my life is pretty good. After all, I have parents who love me and support me enough to have let me crash at their place until I had it all figured out. I also learned that now that I'm an adult, if I want something to happen for my birthday, I have to make it happen. That's what adults do. Maybe that's why last year, we didn't have my birthday dinner until July..
So, that being said, I decided that this year I wasn't going to be alone. I wasn't going to just blow off my own birthday because it doesn't fit conveniently into someone's schedule. I was going to make my birthday better than the year before, and I was going to do all of the things that I wanted to do.
I was already ahead of the game this year, since now I'm not bummed about my life circumstances. I have a job in the field that I want to be in. It's been pretty frustrating for a few months now, but it's not retail and I have other prospects if I want them. I have my own apartment again, and I'm pretty much completely financially independent (pretty sure my car still being in my Dad's name is the only thing I have left). I might have felt like an actual adult last year, but this year I actually am one. I still miss my friends, but now I also have new ones. Plus I get to see Jim way more often, and the Toaster cat even lets me pet her some days. Life is pretty good.
My birthday was on a Tuesday this year. The day that every week one of my coworkers tells me its "the most depressing day of the week," like it's the first time she's telling anyone. I decided that my only birthday celebration couldn't just be on the most depressing day of the week. That's not how birthdays are done.
I'm not even the type of person who likes big celebrations. All I wanted was my traditional toasted raviolis, and to see the people I care about. I didn't ask for any presents.
On the Friday before my birthday, I texted Jim while I was at work, asking him if he was going to dinner with the guys, like usual. I said that I desperately need to be invited this time because obviously. Work has been pushing me to my limits lately, so I was in need of some fatty foods and a beer. We went to dinner with his friend Neal, then walked around the corner to have a few more beers on the patio at the bar next door. Once the rain started rolling in, we decided we were having too much fun, so we all went back to Neal's house, invited over another one of our friends, and had an impromptu party.
On the Thursday before my birthday, I did the most adult thing ever, and called my traditional birthday restaurant to make reservations for that Saturday. Yikes, I hate talking on the phone. I managed to get my family all together on the Saturday night before my birthday, including both of my parents, all of my siblings, my Grandma, and of course Jim. Trust me, this is not an easy thing to do with how busy we all are. I had my favorite ever toasted ravioli, and we had some pretty entertaining conversations, thanks to all the philosophical questions that my mom was able to think up. :)
After dinner, Jim and I went back to his apartment, and he surprised me with a few presents. We watched a movie and ate s'mores blizzards from Dairy Queen. But the most exciting part of the day was when Toast jumped up on the couch, let me pet her for a few minutes, and almost laid in the nest that I made with me. So close.
On Sunday, I did regular human things. I went grocery shopping, cleaned my apartment, did a few errands. But I also stopped at Starbucks and got a free giant coffee. Score.
On Monday, I took a break from birthday festivities, and went back to real life. I even ate my vegetables.
Tuesday was the big day. But really, I had celebrated the weekend before, so I was almost partied out. But it wouldn't count if my actual birthday wasn't better than May 17th of last year. I still did the adult thing, and I went to work. My boss didn't get me a card, which is rude. Especially since I signed three birthday cards for my coworkers in April. Whatever. I was awarded this certificate of appreciation by a person on one of my teams in Tennessee. I made a joke that I only got it since it was my birthday, but she didn't even know that it was my birthday.
After work, Jim and I went to Kirkwood Station Brewery. The Co-Director of the nonprofit that I am volunteering for wanted to pay for a dinner for just Jim and I for my birthday, which was an unexpected surprise. So she called the restaurant ahead of time to cover our whole meal in advacne. It was really sweet of her. We ate a Cajun style pizza, toasted raviolis, and fries. I sufficiently pigged out. Plus, Kirkwood Station has my favorite beer, Blackberry Wheat. We ate way too much, and complained about our jobs. It was a pretty darn good evening, all in all.
When I got home, I did some yoga. I ate some ice cream even though I was stuffed. I pampered myself a little bit by touching up my nail polish and washing my face with my favorite new soap. Then I tucked myself into bed nice and early. It was a great birthday. It beat last year by a landslide.
And the birthday festivities still aren't over! Next week, I'll be getting dinner with my Grandparents one night, and dinner with my Fairy Godmother another. Moral of the story is: if you tell people that you want dinner for your birthday, you will get more meals than you can handle!
Happy to hear your Birthday celebrations were fun!